Transform Your Skin with Dermaplaning Facial


Dermaplaning Facial: The Secret to a Total Skin Transformation

Sonic dermaplaning is a safe and gentle exfoliating treatment that utilizes award-winning sonic technology to effectively eliminate the oldest layer of dead skin cells and peach fuzz from your skin, leaving it instantly refreshed and rejuvenated.







How it works?

Our treatment utilizes award-winning sonic technology that effectively exfoliates dead skin cells and removes dull build-up and vellus hair, revealing a fresh layer of smooth, glowing skin. Clinically proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, using our product just once a week is all it takes to achieve a youthful, radiant complexion.

Treatment time: 45 minutes

Our Dermaplaning Facial is an exquisite treatment that can be experienced independently or added to your routine facial services. Uniquely designed as a gentle alternative to chemical peels, it’s a safe choice for individuals with highly sensitive skin, including pregnant or nursing women.

This straightforward yet efficacious procedure meticulously eliminates dead skin cell accumulation and the fine vellus hair often referred to as ‘peach fuzz.’ The treatment employs an ultrasonic, medical-grade device, the Luxe +, which uses a light, feathery touch to delicately exfoliate the epidermis. This advanced exfoliation technique enables product penetration and provides sustained hydration for your skin.

The facial continues with a nourishing mask, exposed to our therapeutic Elipsa Red LED light therapy, further enhancing the product’s absorption into your skin. The grand finale of the treatment is a pampering application of medical-grade active ingredients to your skin, leaving it exquisitely radiant and resembling smooth, glass-like perfection.


Experience the revelation of your smoothest, most radiant skin with our exceptional treatment that not only exfoliates dead skin cells but also effortlessly removes peach fuzz. This treatment also diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving skin tone and texture.

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Uncovering the Truth About Sonic Dermaplaning Myths?


Sonic dermaplaning is safer, gentler and more effective than using a disposable face razor. Plus, it’s clinically proven to reduce the look of wrinkles.


Frequently asked questions about dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning has rapidly risen to prominence in the skincare world as a secure and effective alternative to chemical and manual exfoliation, as well as a method for removing vellus facial hair (commonly known as ‘peach fuzz’). Utilizing a sterile, specialized blade, the technician performs a controlled scraping that expertly exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This method not only eliminates dead skin cells and vellus facial hair but also promotes skin rejuvenation and prevents the trapping of excess dirt and oil.

Our award-winning Luxe + device employs Sonic Technology to safely and gently remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz. Instantly discover smooth, radiant, and fuzz-free skin while continuously improving its quality over time. Equipped with enhanced Sonic Speed, the LUXE+ glides effortlessly across your skin, instantly eradicating flakes and fuzz. The result is enhanced skincare penetration and makeup that applies like a dream!

The dermaplaning facial is suitable for individuals of all ages, skin types, and tones, including those with sensitive skin.

Dermaplaning is not advisable for those suffering from active acne or severely dehydrated or inflamed skin.

No. It is CLINICALLY PROVEN hair will NOT grow back thicker, darker, or faster.
There are two types of hair that grow on our bodies: Vellus (thin translucent blond hair) and
Terminal (thicker hair that grows on our eyebrows, under our arms, public region, and legs).
Vellus hair will grow back the same way after being cut or removed. Whereas terminal hair is
physiologically course to begin with and grows back the same way. This is influenced by
genetics, hormones, and medications.

Dermaplaning is a painless procedure that does not induce bleeding. The treatment is executed using a dermatologist-endorsed ultrasonic device known as Luxe+.

Dermaplaning stimulates increased epidermal cell turnover and differentiation, enhancing skin texture and tone while facilitating improved penetration of anti-aging products. Regular treatments can decrease the appearance of fine lines, scars, pores, and hyperpigmentation, and provide an immediate glow to the skin, improving product penetration and skin hydration.

Dermaplaning can be performed every four weeks. It’s crucial to allow the skin to complete its full cycle, which typically takes around 30 days.

South Surrey Glow Hormone & Aesthetics

is an AUTHORIZED Dermaflash PROVIDER in South Surrey

Dermaflash LUXE+ is Award-Winning Sonic Technology exfoliates dead skin cells and removes dull build-up and vellus hair, instantly revealing a fresh layer of smooth, glowing skin. Flashing 1X per week is clinically proven to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles Conveniently located near Delta, Langley, White Rock, Aldergrove, Langley, Richmond, Burnaby, and the Tri-Cities.

Book a consultation with one of our highly skilled aestheticians today to learn more about whether Dermaflash is the right choice for you.

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