Our clinic is by appointment only and not allowing any walk-ins at this time.
- Please stay at home if you have had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days or have been in contact with anyone with these symptoms.
- Fever
- Dry Cough
- Difficulty Breathing
- Please stay at home if you have travelled in the last 14 days.
- Please wash your hands once you walk into the clinic.
- Please do not arrive early (unless instructed to do so) for your appointment as we do not want crowding in our waiting area. If you are early, please stay in your car.
- If you arrive 5 minutes or later than your scheduled appointment, it is subject to be cancelled.
- Please do not bring any family or friends to your appointment.
Please call/ text the clinic at 604-571-6464 should you have any questions or concerns.