How Do Bio Identical Hormones Work?
Bio identical hormones work just like natural hormones and behave like powerful chemical messengers. They are customized to fit each individual patient by our multidisciplinary team – our medical doctors and a compounding pharmacist – for your specific course of treatment.
Because they can be such powerful chemical messengers – they must be prescribed by a physician and it is very important to receive a comprehensive individual medical risk assessment and 24 hour urine test BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH TREATMENT.
Hormones are proteins that are delivered to the body tissues through the blood. Working together like a finely tuned symphony, they regulate everything from reproduction and emotions to general health and well-being. Hormones are produced by the various glands and organs in the body and are then metabolized by the liver. Maintaining the proper balance of hormones in the body is essential to good health. Factors that affect hormone levels include your stage of development ( puberty through menopause) as well as sleep, diet, stress, exercise, medications and environment.
Following is a summary of key hormones and their functions in the body:
ESTROGEN – estrogen hormones help maintain the health of the reproductive tissues, breasts, skin and brain. High estrogen levels can cause fluid retention, weight gain, migraines, and over stimulation of the breasts, ovaries and uterus. Insufficient estrogen levels can lead to hot flashes, vaginal dryness, rapid skin aging, urinary problems, excessive bone loss and changes in memory and cognition.
PROGESTERONE – is a hormone balancer, particularly of estrogens and other steroid hormones. It enhances the beneficial effect of estrogens while preventing problems associated with excessive estrogen. It also supports adrenal function, which regulates stress, and has a calming influence that helps improve sleep, mood and the ability to stay focused mentally.
THYROID – they thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones, which regulate body temperature, oxygen use and metabolism. The two most important thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), require selenium, iodine and tyrosine as building blocks and for proper functioning. An under active thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause loss of appetite, chronic fatigue, constipation, depression, dry skin , hair loss, infections, sensitivity to cold or low body temperature, muscle weakness, weight gain, painful and heavy premenstrual periods. When the thyroid gland is over active (hyperthyroidism), it can result in heart palpitations, weight loss, sweating, anxiety, insomnia, tremblinghands, muscle weakness, increased bowel movements, changes in menstrual flow, hair loss, breathlessness, heat intolerance, and osteoporosis (in severe cases).
ADRENAL – the adrenal glands control the hormones released during stress. If the adrenal glands are already compromised, then the hormonal imbalance that occurs during perimenopause and menopause will further inhibit their ability to function properly. Symptoms may include fatigue, inability to sleep through the night, anxiety, depression, increased susceptibility to infections, reduced tolerance to stress, craving for sweets and salty foods, allergies to things not allergic to before, chemical sensitivities and tendency to feel cold.
CORTISOL – is one of several hormones produces by the adrenal glands. It plays a pivotal role in the hormonal and immune system and is secreted in response to stress in the body, whether real or imagined. Normal healthy levels of cortisol are needed for the body to function optimally, but chronic or repeated stress will cause the body to continually produce higher levels of cortisol. This can cause depletion of reserves and eventually cause adrenal fatigue or “burnout.”
DHEA – an important hormone for well-being and vitality, is one of the markers of aging. It is also the source of many sex and steroid hormones in the body. After it is secreted from the adrenal glands it reains as DHEA or is converted into certain hormones the body needs – such as estrogen and testosterone. Our DHEA levels peaks between the ages of 20 and 25, and then start to decline. Low levels of DHEA have been associated with immune dysfunction, heart disease, obesity, low libido, mental disturbances and blood sugar instability.
TESTOSTERONE – plays an important role in women and men. It improves mood and assertiveness, reduces depression and anxiety, improves bone and muscle, maintains muscle size and enhances sex drive and sexual sensitivity.